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2024-12-25 by: David via chugalug
From: David via chugalug 
Hello all!

So I'm debating on de'googling and have already transitioned a number of my
services and workflows. But was wondering if any one here has or has any
experience with the Android builds Lineage or Graphine? From my research
I'm leaning towards LineageOS+microG which has just enough Google for most
app and services to still operate as expected. But would be nice to talk to
someone that has done/attempted similar.

David R.

=============================================================== From: allan via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I'm doing Lineage on a 2013 Nexus 7 which may not be real relevant on such old hardware. Google-wise I probably did something close to microG but this was years ago and I don't remember which guide I followed to get the thing googleized. But - that little tablet has made me happy for years - it makes a great e-book reader. It's a little slow to do much else but I still use it. cheers - allan On Wed, Dec 25, 2024 at 5:30=E2=80=AFPM David via chugalug wrote: my services and workflows. But was wondering if any one here has or has any= experience with the Android builds Lineage or Graphine? From my research I= 'm leaning towards LineageOS+microG which has just enough Google for most a= pp and services to still operate as expected. But would be nice to talk to = someone that has done/attempted similar.