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2024-12-02 by: Jonathan Calloway via chugalug
From: Jonathan Calloway via chugalug 


I have a Ubiquiti UDM.  I use VPN to access my homely from my iPad or =
laptop when I am away.  The first time I attempted to set it up, I =
noticed that WireGuard was an option, so I configured it on the UDM and =
sent invitations to my devices.  However, when I connected to it, I =
found that I was unable to access internal servers etc.  So, I enabled =
and configured OpenVPN instead.  It is working great.  However, I=E2=80=99=
m curious if I=E2=80=99m missing out on WireGuard goodness! =20

What do you think?

=============================================================== From: Jonathan Calloway via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Hello! I have a Ubiquiti UDM. I use VPN to access my homely from my iPad or = laptop when I am away. The first time I attempted to set it up, I = noticed that WireGuard was an option, so I configured it on the UDM and = sent invitations to my devices. However, when I connected to it, I = found that I was unable to access internal servers etc. So, I enabled = and configured OpenVPN instead. It is working great. However, I=E2=80=99= m curious if I=E2=80=99m missing out on WireGuard goodness! =20 What do you think? =

=============================================================== From: Wil Wade via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I like and use Wireguard. Find it works great. I don't have a UDM, but here= : My first guess as to why it didn't work. Did you have the allowed IPs set to ",::/0" ? Second, make sure that the port is open. Easy to enable the service, but forget to open up the port to the outside. =3D =3D 80=3D99=3D

=============================================================== From: Jonathan Calloway via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Do you have to install it on ALL your devices? wrote: here: set to ",::/0 " ? but forget to open up the port to the outside. wrote: =3D and =3D enabled =3D I=3DE2=3D80=3D99=3D

=============================================================== From: Jonathan Calloway via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Do you have to install it on ALL your devices? wrote: here: set to ",::/0 " ? but forget to open up the port to the outside. wrote: =3D and =3D enabled =3D I=3DE2=3D80=3D99=3D

=============================================================== From: Dave Brockman via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ For all their complaining about IPSec Complexity.... for production use,=20 network to network routing, wireguard is a PITA. --dtb =20 iPad up, I =3D it, I =3D I owever, =3D20

=============================================================== From: Stephen Kraus via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Wireguard is great for when you need to have a bunch of smaller devices able to call home to a network privately, but yeah if its just Point to Point Wireguard is overkill. =3D20 =3D =3D20 =3D20 galug=3D20 m my=3D it =3D d to=3D So, =3D 2=3DA0 H=3D ness! =3D

=============================================================== From: Jonathan Calloway via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Do you have to install it on ALL your devices? wrote: here: set to ",::/0 " ? but forget to open up the port to the outside. wrote: =3D and =3D enabled =3D I=3DE2=3D80=3D99=3D

=============================================================== From: Dave Brockman via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ In most scenarios, yes. It is a peer to peer protocol, not a client=20 server protocol. You can do site to site, but if it's not on your=20 router, you will need static routes to make it work. --dtb =20 iPad up, I =3D it, I =3D I owever, =3D20

=============================================================== From: Trey Zarecor via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ You may also check out tailscale if you are looking for a mesh network. You still have to install on each, but from what I understand it’s WireGuard under the hood, and takes care of setting up a lot of the rules for you. I saw a GitHub repo with UDM packages on it. On Sun, Dec 1, 2024 at 21:25, Jonathan Calloway via chugalug