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Spare UPS

2024-11-01 by: David via chugalug
From: David via chugalug 

Does anyone happen to have a UPS that they are willing to part with and/or
sell? I would prefer a rackmount unit but not required. Just thought that I
would reach out before I start shopping.

David R.

=============================================================== From: Stephen Kraus via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I have one but am down in Atlanta. On Fri, Nov 1, 2024 at 6:35=E2=80=AFPM David via chugalug wrote: r I

=============================================================== From: John Aldrich via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I have one that requires 20 Amp and/or 220 Volt. I actually have two, on= e of which has new batteries. Unfortunately I don't have an outlet in my= computer room that'll handle that. I'll give you both for $60 nd/or sell? I would prefer a rackmount unit but not required. Just thoug= ht that I would reach out before I start shopping.

=============================================================== From: David via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I'll definitely take them, if you want to email or text me we can work out details. I should be fairly open this week. Might have some free time tonight or tomorrow night but that depends on some other things going on. Thanks, David R. davidrucker11387@gmail.com 423-290-6372 r I

=============================================================== From: Jonathan Calloway via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Hello! Used UPSs may not be terribly dependable. You run the risk of replacing = the battery, which costs about as much as a new UPS anyway.=20 That said, Mr. Harrison has some good recommendations. wrote: and/or sell? I would prefer a rackmount unit but not required. Just = thought that I would reach out before I start shopping.

=============================================================== From: Michael Harrison via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I have no current recommendations, Mr Calloway. And I still don't like APC having chucked a couple while they were still smoking from datacenters. Also they are heavy, but chuckable when your adrenaline is high. We have had a rack mount Tripp-Lite at ring-u that is several (6?) years old, 1 battery replacement. Very small experience level. Enjoyed meeting you in person and sharing a beverage and pizza! --Mike-- =3D

=============================================================== From: Stephen Kraus via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Get one without batteries, put Lipos with built in battery management, been happy with mine. The Lipos last longer too =3D =3D

=============================================================== From: Dave Brockman via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ If you are capable of replacing individual batteries and not using the OEM "sled pack", replacement batteries are not that expensive. As in, less than $50 shipped vs $150+ for the OEM sled. As Mike mentioned, I prefer TrippLite over APC, and have several that were used when I started the datacenter in 2018, are on their 2nd set of batteries since then, and are still kicking just fine. With Gratitude, Dave Brockman Senior Network Engineer Gig City Cloud, LLC

=============================================================== From: William Roush via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I got burned by a pack of lead acid batteries being garbage (they were having trouble within 6 months of purchase), so be careful about what you're replacing in your sled pack (no huge surprise there). I have *not* attempted a replacement from the lead-acids though, that's all kinds of tempting. g =3D

=============================================================== From: Dave Brockman via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ I use Battery Sharks and Batteries/Bulbs/Boobs+ or whatever they are=20 called these days when I need something same day. I expect a 3 year=20 life cycle, and the batteries I source from those places meet=20 expectations. I buy the individual batteries, not the sled packs. With Gratitude, Dave Brockman Senior Network Engineer Gig City Cloud, LLC =20 the As in, I ince of ust =3D