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Open Source camp Chattanooga Nov 2nd 2023

2024-08-16 by: Lee Walker via chugalug
From: Lee Walker via chugalug 
I'm Lee Walker. I know Mike Harrison very well (and he's the landlord for
my office.)

I've been running a Drupal camp here in Chattanooga since 2013.
This year we are opening it up to all open source.

We have full days training
Drupal in a day.
WordPress in a day.

Plus sessions on anything and everything open source.

You can submit a session

Our drupal community would love to have you guys join us.

Get your company to sponsor.
Do a gold sponsorship and have a table set up and recruit at the event.

We have an after party (still being arranged) details to come.

Will feed you, clothe you (with a shirt), and fill your head with
knowledge, then buy you beer.
How can you turn that down?
Come meet old friends, and make new ones.

I'll send another email when the tickets are available to buy.

=============================================================== From: Michael Harrison via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ "I'm Lee Walker. I know Mike Harrison very well" You know most people would not admit that so publicly.. ;) Also plugging DevOpsDays Chattanooga. November 15th, https://devopsdays.org/events/2024-chattanooga/welcome/ And I'm on the list of speakers for 5 whole minutes speed talk. I'll be using Chugalug and Ring-U mail server configs as examples. https://devopsdays.org/events/2024-chattanooga/speakers