Old Tech Stuff for FREE
From: Phil Sieg ------------------------------------------------------ I am looking at Ed and Stephen=E2=80=A6 This is from a friend of a friend, so if you are interested get back to = me with your contact info and I will get them in touch with you. Located = here in Chattanooga. "Long shot here, but I have several ancient devices=E2=80=A6 Alphasmart 3000 Dana with infrared dongle thingie, different email = stations developed for aol and yahoo and an electronic typewriter. I=E2=80=99d be happy to drop them off if they are of any interest to you = or Mike.=20 Along with Leisure Suit Larry on disk thingies.=E2=80=9D Phil Sieg ring-u llc www.ring-u.com phil@ring-u.com Phone: 423.567.4888 Mobile: 423.331.0725 "The computer is the most remarkable tool that we've ever come up with. = It's the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds." Steve Jobs, 1955-2011=============================================================== From: Wil Wade ------------------------------------------------------ The Alphasmart 3000 Dana is exactly what I have been looking for for my 14yo! They need something to type stories on that is simple (and cannot access the internet). (Yes, a pen and paper work, but not well for them). I leave on a trip around 4pm tomorrow, but can come pick it up before then. Wil 423-600-9233 e e or Mike.
=============================================================== From: Ed King ------------------------------------------------------ I'm just now seeing this... it been awhile since I checked my chugalug email.... I've been busier than a cross-eyed air traffic controller If the items are still available, I, or my new vintage-collector friend at my new-ish job, would enjoy playing with new vintage toys thanks Phil Ed On Fri, Mar 10, 2023 at 9:35=E2=80=AFAM Phil Sieg wro= te: e e or Mike.
=============================================================== From: Phil Sieg ------------------------------------------------------ Ed, Trying to get the stuff over here to my office=E2=80=A6 when it arrives = I will give you a shout. Thanks! Phil wrote: chugalug email.... I've been busier than a cross-eyed air traffic = controller=20 friend at my new-ish job, would enjoy playing with new vintage toys to me with your contact info and I will get them in touch with you. = Located here in Chattanooga. stations developed for aol and yahoo and an electronic typewriter. you or Mike.=20 with. It's the equivalent of a bicycle for our minds."
=============================================================== From: Ed King ------------------------------------------------------ sounds good, thank you! On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 9:25=E2=80=AFAM Phil Sieg wro= te: will rote: or Mike.